
Taught in German

Degree course

Knitwear is an all-time fashion favourite. This further training covers all aspects of knitwear from material knowledge, production management and collection development to the sale of knitted goods.


Graduates have profound knowledge of knitting technology, understand the textile procurement chain. They are able to implement their own collections and innovative designs. This expertise enables them to take up specialised positions in the production and sale of knitted goods.

Scope of activities

The Knitwear Specialist course is designed to prepare graduates for the following scope of duties:

  • working as a knitwear designer, production manager or travelling technician (based on a creative training background)
  • working in purchasing, sales or retail (based on a commercial or business training background)
  • working self-employed in own studio

Communication with producers is particularly important for the quality of a collection. Production abroad demands optimal management at the interface between development, production and sales. We are looking for employees who are expert contact persons for manufacturing knitwear.


The further course focuses on:

  • acquiring and refining practical skills in all matters concerning knitting
  • surface design with the manual flat knitting machine using basic technical knowledge, and developing creative design variations
  • professional finishing of innovative designs on knitting machines using industry-specific software
  • development of collections and visualisation of ideas
  • prototyping of appropriate models as the basis for quality assurance
  • project work

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Facts & Figures


One-week workshop (5 x 6 lectures), see course “The Magic of Knitting – Working Creatively on the Manual Flat Knitting Machine”.


Knitwear Specialist STF


1 year part-time (Tuesday afternoons/evenings). This includes 2 – 4 lectures, independent working without supervision.


20 August 2019


STF, Hallwylstrasse 71, 8004 Zurich


CHF 2550 – per semester. Teaching materials are included in the tuition fees. Additional costs are incurred for attending the intensive workshop.

Beratung & Anmeldung

Nicole Ungureit
Leiterin Studiengang Knitwear Spezialist/in

Please contact me if you have any questions about the courses on offer.

The back office team is available to provide information by telephone during the following hours: 8.00 am – 12.00 pm and 1.30 pm – 7.00 pm.

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