
Customised company courses and specialised courses

The STF provides a variety of customised courses for companies and specialised courses relating to the textile and clothing industry tailored to the customer’s needs. Customised courses are offered to cover your specific organisational needs. Course lengths can be adjusted to suit your availability. The STF is happy to work with you to make each course your own.


Our specialised and customised courses provide options to develop training suiting your company in the following fields of expertise:

  • Textile Technology eg. manufacturing and processes, knowledge of fibres and material science, technical textiles, textile refining, quality assurance in production and in the laboratory, occupational safety and health protection
  • Fashion eg.CAD applications and technical model sketches, pattern modifications, industrial manufacturing techniques, virtual prototyping, quality assurance and other specialised subjects
  • Textile Business Management eg. sales training, supply chain management, collection design, creativity techniques, innovation and process management, retail management and other specialised topics


Course requirements are determined by your individual requests.


Course lengths can be adjusted to suit your availability.


STF, Hallwylstrasse 71, 8004 Zurich

STF, Ebnaterstrasse 5, 9630, Wattwil

Or on-site


Variable. Based on costs incurred.


After extensive consultation, the STF will analyse your particular requirements and make a proposal for a modular training concept, including quotations. After you have placed the order, your customised classes will be prepared by the lecturer. Customised teaching materials, fitting teaching techniques and methodes guarantee a successful and efficient training. By request lecture notes can be provided.


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